Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Life..............unfolded mystry

 Life may appear a small word of four letters but the whole universe is void without it.
numerous scholars,religious gurus and philosphers have sacrificed their lives to find out its meaning.Some may have experienced self realization but in my opinion life has different meaning for every human being.
Life may appear easy to someone while others may find it as challenging as walking on naked sword.
It is our outlook and perception that gives us different meanings of life.Though life is challenging and it is not a bed of thorns yet one must understand that success falls in the lap of those who work hard and are ready for any tough and challenging task.
Life is like pilgrimage and it leads us to destination and throughout the life time we try to find path to attain the goal .Life is very beautiful indeed it gives us chance to show our devotion,sacrifice for society.Life will become meaningful only when we will set a goal and will work hard to achieve the goal .Our will power should be strong like himalayas which can stand even if there are tempests.Without any goal we are like beasts and will perish unnoticed like dogs and cats.Although everyone cannot be a Napolean yet we can set small goals so that the purpose of life is fullfilled.
Life is very beautiful gift of god who has enabled to explore the encyclopedia.  

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